Saturday, January 24, 2009


One day I met an angel in the jungle,
She takes me to the land of fate,
To the land of dreams,

The world is changed
I feel in the water
I feel in the earth
I smell it in the air.
Much the one’s was is lost,
For none now live to remember it.

When I met an angel in the jungle
She asked me a question
While we both watch in a broken mirror.

When you look into the mirror,
I said what I would see
She said with a twinkling smile
Even the wisest could not tell
For the mirror shows many things.
Things that works
Things that arc,
And something
That have not came yet to power

I saw the mirror
All I saw was full of evil
All I saw was a disaster
My life, love and caste
Has burn into ashes
It’s not the phoenix
Which raise from ashes

Angel said with her corrupt cause
I know what you saw
It is what will come into past
If you will fail
The system will break
And you will shattered into pieces
And one by one it will destroy them all.

After watching the deadfall task
It said that I’ll give one power
& let to her freely
That not allows my heart
To greatly desire it
& I ready to sacrifices
My most precious thing that I have
I can say it’s my life…

With a great long pause
She said again possessing
A twinkling sparkly smile
U won’t diminish
U can change the world
You are everything
You won’t fear
And appoint me a task

She said in same singing style
If you do not find the way
I said no I will
I know what I must do
I am just afraid to do it.

May it be that need to stop.
May it be when darkness were on
Your heart will retreat
The shadow does not hold sway yet
Not over you not over me

What you got from the story
Even the smallest person like me can
Change the cause of the future
She was a history that become legend
She was a legend that becomes a myth…..


shayar raza nawab said...
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Unknown said...

quite thotful....d last 4 lines r simply awesum...