Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. Let's Think about something... let's feel about something... this is entire work ov RISHABH SHUKLA....
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
- Resently few days back when we are not facing alll these when all was going god n great, companies have raise salary of there executive n this has raise there living standard.
- These requirements have made them to buy flats i.e. they invest there money in real states.
- they buy lots of flats in america n india n place them in bank N GOT HUGE LOANS.IN TERMINOLOGY WE CALL IT "SUB PRIME LOAN" or "margage loans".
- but becouse of some reasons shares of real state has fallen down so market value has just crashed.
- as market goes down companies has to reduce there salary so there living standard unable to pay the instalment to the bank in order to clear there loans.
- meanwhile prises of real state also affected n market value decline.
- this made people to save money as salary goes down .
- those who have taken loans. instead of giving installment they handed over there property to the bank in the form of final money/instalment.
- now the ball is in banks side & they have to sell these property to recover there money.
- but they are unable to do so because of the gradual decrease in the prise of real state.
- so bank are now unable to get money from the market.
- these investment are so big and vast as they have use there money in market but unfortunatelly they loss this match.
- n finally they have nothing in there vault.
- some of the banks are LAHMANN BROTHERS, MERRILL LYNCH

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
listen to my heart
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Google has quietly released a social networking service called orkut, named after Orkut Buyukkokten, a Google software engineer who developed the project during personal time allowed to him by Google.
All employees at Google are allowed to spend twenty percent of their time working on personal interests, a policy Google has to encourage creativity. Buyukkokten had an interest in social networking and so developed his service, Google says. Now the company has decided to open it to the public.
The move comes in the wake of rumors that Google wanted to buy social networking service Friendster last year and just a day after Eurekster launched, a social network service that refines search results. Is this a sign that Google plans to use social networking for search?
"We're going to watch this and see how people react to it," said Google spokesperson David Krane.
So we'll see. But Krane also stressed that the system is staying very informal, somewhat similar to when Google puts a "beta" moniker on products like Google Catalogs or Google Labs projects that may never actually make it into Google as a long-term offering.
"This service is in affiliation with Google, but it's a product of this 20 percent engineering time and something we haven't made a formal commitment to," Krane said.
Krane said the service currently has no monetization -- no ads are appearing on it from Google, nor is there a fee charged to join.
And how to join? It's invitation only. At the moment, most of those within the system are employees at Google or know employees at Google. So while the system is open to the public, it's really that the public now knows it exists. To be part of it, you'll have to hope that someone you know is within it and invites you to take part.
So is the launch a sign that Google really did want Friendster, and perhaps has decided to go this route as an alternative? Google won't comment on the Friendster rumor, saying only that it does have an interest in social networking, that the timing of this product is simply coincidental and that its exact plans for social networking remain to be determined.
"We think [social networking] is promising, but we don't have any near term commitments to it at all," Krane said.

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
About me....
its strange how we all want 2 reach out & be reached out 4, & yet hide at unreachable places, far and beyond anybody's reach. sometimes i do feel lost. in this world of fast moving cars, fast changing beliefs and faster changing people,.................................
the world is becoming smaller THEY SAY,
it may shrink down to the size of pea , but we will all still be alone.............
I love water, i am water,...when i stagnate i reflect, when i let go i flow away ........................................
u wann me 2 b.....a ship,a castle , a message 4 a lover.......and yet when forcel i crumble into sand again.......
i get washed by the sea,,,,,
i tranverse oceans and distances looking for another story in my head....................................